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Practice team

Practice manager

Rosemary Smith is responsible for the smooth running of the practice. Rosemary will be happy to talk to you about any suggestions, comments or complaints that you may have on the facilities or standards of care provided throughout the practice.

Please arrange an appointment with her if you would like to discuss any issues. In the event of a complaint we need to have this in writing so that there is an accurate record of your concerns.


Kelly Hawkins
Wendy Clark
Julie Keveren

Our secretaries work closely with the doctors to ensure the smooth running of their department.

Reception and administration

Steph Shervington
Julie Parker
Christine Kennedy
Julie Keveren
Robina Dowsett
Carolyn Hall
Tom Dickerson
Bethany Strain

Our receptionists are available throughout the working day and they will be pleased to welcome you and will try and help by providing information and arranging appointments so that you can access our various services. Please treat them respectfully as they have a difficult and demanding role. All information imparted to any staff member is treated in the strictest confidence.